132676 - Global Media Education |
Período da turma: | 17/02/2025 a 28/02/2025
Global Media Education Ementa do curso Introduction to the course and the new model of Intercultural online pedagogy; Intercultural Communication in the Digital Age; Introduction to Fact-checking as a new civic skill; The digital divide in global education; Artificial Intelligence literacy; international research topics in media education; Critical Media Literacy for social and environmental justices; disinformation in health and science; Media Literacy experiences in different cultures. Justificativa do Curso The proposal originates from a collaboration that took place in August and September 2023 in the offering of the discipline “Global Media Education” offered by the University of Lapland in collaboration with the Educational University of Hong Kong, and which had the specific participation of USP in this offering. This collaboration is part of the network coordinated by the University of Lapland and UNESCO that USP joined in June 2023 through the Faculty of Education “UNITWIN/UNESCO Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education”. Therefore, the present proposal “Global Media Literacy” seeks to involve researchers from the aforementioned network with other institutions from Brazil, Japan, China - Hong Kong, South Korea and South Africa, aiming to offer students an international perspective with institutions and researchers from different continents to address an emerging theme “Media Literacy” in a context of expansion of misinformation, scientific denialism, discrediting of institutions and hate speech. There is a need to address these problems that undermine democracy, truth and justice, which universities on different continents need to deal with. For this reason, the proposal, in addition to addressing a global theme in the training of postgraduate students, also aims to foster collaboration among researchers from the institutions involved in order to cooperate in transnational research, teaching and extension projects. Objetivo ● Global Media Literacy emphasizes the need for a new social contract for education to redress injustices while transforming the future. This course introduces students to current research topics in media education, especially the importance of AI literacy, disinformation, intercultural dialogue, digital storytelling, and global perspectives on critical media literacy. Metodologia Classes will be held on digital platforms and will use Google Meet (synchronously) and USP's Moodle platform (extension) (asynchronously) as resources. Synchronous interactions via Google Meet will take place from Monday to Friday for 3 hours a day for two weeks, with the communicative approach being presentation based on the content scheduled for the meeting. During these moments, collaboration between participants will also be encouraged during discussion and production of activities. Asynchronous meetings will take place throughout the week through discussion forums encouraged by readings (scientific articles, popular articles and book chapters) and debates in forums with themes complementary to those of the synchronous moments and mediated by the instructors. Conteúdos DATE & TIME ZONE TOPICS MON 17.02.2025 1. FI 13.15-14.00, HK 19.15-20.00, BR 08.15-09.00 Introduction to the course, Agnaldo Arroio and Renato de Oliveira Moraes(University of São Paulo, Brazil) 2. FI 14.15-15.00, HK 20.15-21.00, BR 09.15-10.00 Intercultural Communication – Youngsang Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea) and Chaak-ming Lau (EdUHK) 3. FI 15.15-16.00, HK 21.15-22.00, BR 10.15-11.00 Intercultural Communication – Youngsang Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea) and Chaak-ming Lau (EdUHK) TUE 18.02.2025, 1. FI 13.15-14.00, HK 19.15-20.00, BR 08.15-09.00 (JP 20.15-21.00) Fact-checking introduction - Satu-Maarit Korte (University of Lapland, Finland) 2. FI 14.15-15.00, HK 20.15-21.00, BR 09.15-10.00 A Vaccine Against Fake News (Manfred Becker, York U, Canada) 3. FI 15.15-16.00, HK 21.15-22.00, BR 10.15-11.00 A Vaccine Against Fake News (Manfred Becker, York U, Canada) WED 19.02.2024 1. FI 13.15-14.00, HK 19.15-20.00, BR 08.15-09.00 Development and implementation of virtual environments for learning and teaching - Yanjie Song (EdUHK) 2. FI 14.15-15.00, HK 20.15-21.00, BR 09.15-10.00 3. FI 15.15-16.00, HK 21.15-22.00, BR 10.15-11.00 THU 20.02.2025 1. FI 13.15-14.00, HK 19.15-20.00, BR 08.15-09.00 AI on Higher Education - Crispin Coombs (Loughborough University, UK) 2. FI 14.15-15.00, HK 20.15-21.00, BR 09.15-10.00 3. FI 15.15-16.00, HK 21.15-22.00, BR 10.15-11.00 Global Media Education Through an African Lens -Thuthukile Jita (University of the Free State, South Africa) FRI 21.02.2025 1. FI 13.15-14.00, HK 19.15-20.00, BR 08.15-09.00 Fact-checking as a new civic skill - Satu-Maarit Korte (University of Lapland, Finland) 2. FI 14.15-15.00, HK 20.15-21.00, BR 09.15-10.00 3. FI 15.15-16.00, HK 21.15-22.00, BR 10.15-11.00 Global Media Education Through an African Lens -Thuthukile Jita (University of the Free State, South Africa) Público alvo Elementary school teachers (public and private schools) and higher education teachers and other professionals interested in the topic of Media Education. Carga horária 60 hours Recursos ● Google Meet; ● USP Moodle (extension); ● Freely accessible videos, podcasts and reading materials; Avaliação ● Procedural and summative assessment of productions (including the final work) in synchronous and asynchronous meetings; ● Procedural assessment based on interactions in synchronous meetings. Referências bibliográficas ARROIO, A. Is media literacy an urgent issue in education for all? Problems of Education in the 21st Century, v.75, n. 5, p. 416-418, 2017. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321127647_Is_media_literacy_an_urgent_issue_in_education_for_all ARROIO, A. Education as a Human Right against Hate Speech and Intolerance. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 77(3), 314-316, 2019. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333987534_EDUCATION_AS_A_HUMAN_RIGHT_AGAINST_HATE_SPEECH_AND_INTOLERANCE ARROIO, A. Context based learning: A role for cinema in science education. Science Education International, v. 21, n. 3, p. 131-143, 2010. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/47690163_Context_based_learning_A_role_for_cinema_in_science_education BARROS, D. M. V. Estilos de uso do espaço virtual: como se aprende e se ensina no virtual?, Revista Inter Ação, 34(1), 51-74, 2009. Disponível em https://doi.org/10.5216/ia.v34i1.6542 BELLONI, M. L. Educação a distância e inovação tecnológica. Trabalho, Educação e Saúde, v.3, n.1, p. 187-198, 2005. Disponível em: https://www.scielo.br/pdf/tes/v3n1/10.pdf BELLONI, M. L. Ensaio sobre a educação a distância no Brasil. Educ. Soc., Campinas, v. 23, n. 78, p. 117-142, Apr. 2002 . Disponível em: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0101- 73302002000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso. BATES, T. Educar na Era Digital: design, ensino e aprendizagem. Tradução de Teaching in a Digital Age: guidelines for designing teaching and learning de Anthony Willian (Tony) Bates. Artesanato Educacional: São Paulo, 2016 (Coleção Tecnologia Educacional). Disponível em: http://abed.org.br/arquivos/Educar_na_Era_Digital.pdf BEHAR, P. A; PASSERINO, L.; BERNARDI, M. Modelos Pedagógicos em Educação a distância. Renote, 2007. Disponível em: https://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/renote/article/view/14242 CASTELLS, Manuel; CARDOSO, Gustavo (Orgs.). A Sociedade em Rede: do conhecimento à ação política. Conferência. Belém (Por): Imprensa Nacional, 2005. Disponível em: https://egov.ufsc.br/portal/sites/default/files/anexos/a_sociedade_em_rede_- _do_conhecimento_a_acao_politica.pdf CASTELLS, M. A galáxia da Internet: reflexões sobre a Internet, os negócios e a sociedade. Trad. Maria Luiza X. de A. Borges. R.de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 2003. 244 p. COLL, C.; MONEREO, C. (Orgs.). Psicologia da educação virtual – Aprender e Ensinar com as Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2010. GARBIN, M. C.; OLIVEIRA, E. T. Práticas docentes na Educação a Distância: um olhar sobre as áreas do conhecimento. Rev. Diálogo Educ., Curitiba, v. 19, n. 60, p. 36-55, jan./mar. 2019. Disponível em: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333934373_Praticas_docentes_na_Educacao_a_Distancia_um_olhar_sobre_as_areas_do_conhecimento KENSKI, V. M. Tecnologias e tempo docente. São Paulo: Papirus, 2013. Korte, S.-M., Cheung, W. M.-Y., Maasilta, M., Kong, S. C., Keskitalo, P., Wang, L., Lau, C. M., Lee, J. C. K., & Gu, M. M. (2024). Enhancing Artificial Intelligence Literacy in cross-cultural online workshops. Computers and Education Open 6, 100164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeo.2024.100164 Korte, S.-M., Maasilta, M., Lau, C.H., Wang, L., & Keskitalo, P. (2023). Intercultural collaborative teaching and learning in online environments – e-quality in global media education case study. In: Y. M. Huang & T. Rocha (Eds.), Innovative Technologies and Learning. ICITL 2023. 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Carga Horária: |
60 horas |
Tipo: | Obrigatória | ||||
Vagas oferecidas: | 145 | ||||
Ministrantes: |
Agnaldo Arroio Chaak Ming Lau Junko Ishizawa Manfred Becker Renato de Oliveira Moraes Satu-Maarit KORTE Thuthukile Jita Youngsang Kim |
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