
131550 - Cursos de verão da FFLCH 2025 - Metodologias e Análises de Pesquisa para Adaptação Audiovisual

Período da turma: 04/02/2025 a 25/02/2025

Selecione um horário para exibir no calendário:
Descrição: AULA 1- Introdução aos Estudos de Adaptação Audiosivual
AULA 2 - Metodologias e Práticas de Análise de Adaptações Cinematográficas
AULA 3 - Metodologias e Práticas de Análise de Adaptações Serializadas nos Streamings
AULA 4 - Metodologias e Práticas de Análise de Adaptações de Videogames

Referência Bibliográfica:
AARSETH, E. (2007). Doors and Perception: Fiction vs. Simulation in Games. Intermédialités, 9, 35–44.
Bennett, Tara. (2014). Showrunners: The Art of Running a TV Show. Titan Books.
Bordwell, David & Thompson, Kristin. (2013). A Arte do Cinema: uma Introdução. Editora Unicamp.
Bordwell, David. (2020). Quando a mídia se torna gerenciável: Streaming, pesquisa de filmes e o Multiplex Celestial. Disponível em:
Boszorád, Martin. (2020). Watch a Film, Play a Game -- Play a Film, Watch a Game: Notes on the ‘Intermedia-Presence’ of Digital Games in Cinema. Acta Ludologica, 3(1), 4-17.
Boozer, Jack. (2008). Authorship in film adaptation. University of Texas Press.
Brookey, Robert Alan. (2010). Hollywood Gamers: Digital Convergence in the Film and Video Game Industries. Indiana University Press.
Chalaby, Jean K. (2011). The making of an entertainment revolution: How the TV format trade became a global industry. European Journal of Communication, 26(4), 293-309.
Clark, M. J.
Edgar-Hunt, Robert et al. (2013). A Linguagem do Cinema.
Elliot, Kamilla. (2020). Theorizing Adaptation. Oxford University Press.
Esser, Andrea; Smith, Iain Robert & Bernal-Merino, Miguel Á. (2016). Media Across Borders: Localising TV, Film and Video Games. Routledge.
Fiske, John. (2004). Television Culture. In: RIVKIN, Julie &RYAN, Michael. (Ed.). (2004). Literary theory: an anthology. 2. ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1274 - 1284.
Grossman, Julie, and R. Barton Palmer (Eds). (2017). Adaptation in Visual Culture: Images, Texts, and Their Multiple Worlds. Springer.
Hutcheon, Linda and O’Flynn, Siobhan. (2013). A Theory of Adaptation. London: Routledge.
Jenkins, Henry; Green, Joshua & Ford, Sam. (2022). A Cultura da Conexão. Aleph.
Jenkins, H. (2004). Game Design as Narrative Architecture. In N. Wardrip-Fruin & P. Harrigan (Eds.), First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game (pp. 118-130). The MIT Press.
Kennedy, H. W. (2019). Transmedia Games: Aesthetics and Politics of Profitable Play. In M. Freeman & R.R. Gambarato (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies (pp. 72-81). Routledge.
Leitch, Thomas (Ed.). (2017). The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies. Oxford University Press.
Liboriussen, Bjarke. (2023). Videogame Adaptations as Opportunities for Remembering Gameplay. Game Studies, 23(1). Disponível em:
McCabe, Colin & Murray, Kathleen. (Ed). (2011). True to the Spirit: Film Adaptation and the Question of Fidelity. OUP.
Machado, Arlindo. (2014). A Televisão levada à sério. 6 ed. Editora Senac.
Machado, Arlindo. (1997). Pré-Cinemas & Pós-Cinemas. Papirus.
Orlebar, Jeremy. (2013). The Television Handbook. 4. ed. Routledge.
Skolnick, Evan. (2014). Video Game Storytelling: What Every Developer Needs to know about Narrative Techniques. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications.
Souza, Ricardo Vinicius Ferraz de. (2023). Video Games: The Fictional Feedback Loop. In: Milton, John & Cobelo, Silvia. (2023). Translation, Adaptation and Digital Media. Routledge.
Stam, Robert & Raengo, Alessandra. (2008). A Companion to Literature and Film. John Wiley & Sons.
Stam, Robert. (2015). Keywords in subversive film and media aesthetics. Blackwell.
Wasko, Janet (Ed). (2020) A companion to television. John Wiley & Sons.
Wells-Lassagne, Shannon. (2017). Television and Serial Adaptation.

Carga Horária:

12 horas
Tipo: Obrigatória
Vagas oferecidas: 100
Ministrantes: Fernanda Martins Ferreira de Araujo


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