
130979 - Tendências de Marketing e Branding

Data da turma: 30/01/2025

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Descrição: Objetivo: Discutir as principais tendências de marketing e branding.

- Tendências de marketing: uso de inteligência artificial, marketing responsável, pesquisa transformativa do consumidor, questões éticas em marketing.

- Tendências de branding: ativismo de marca, marcas responsáveis, uso de inteligência artificial para criação de estratégias de branding, questões éticas e branding.

Rust, R. T. (2020). The future of marketing. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37(1), 15-26.
Davenport, T., Guha, A., Grewal, D., & Bressgott, T. (2020). How artificial intelligence will change the future of marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 24-42.
Donthu, N., Lim, W. M., Kumar, S., & Pandey, N. (2023). Tribute to a marketing legend: Commemorating the contributions of Shelby D. Hunt with implications for the future of marketing. Journal of Business Research, 164, 113954.
Guha, A., Grewal, D., & Atlas, S. (2024). Generative AI and Marketing Education: What the Future Holds. Journal of Marketing Education, 46(1), 6-17.
Nascimento, J., & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2024). Mapping the sustainability branding field: emerging trends and future directions. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 33(2), 234-257.
Le, Q. H., Fuller, R., Hoang, T. H., & Nguyen, N. (2023). Branding in higher education: a bibliometric analysis and research agenda. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 1-24.
Calderón-Fajardo, V., Molinillo, S., Anaya-Sánchez, R., & Ekinci, Y. (2023). Brand personality: Current insights and future research directions. Journal of Business Research, 166, 114062.
Cammarota, A., D'Arco, M., Marino, V., & Resciniti, R. (2023). Brand activism: A literature review and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 47(5), 1669-1691.

Carga Horária:

4 horas
Tipo: Obrigatória
Vagas oferecidas: 5000
Ministrantes: Andres Rodriguez Veloso
Kavita Miadaira Hamza
Marcos Cesar Conti Machado
Patricia Regina Caldeira Daré Artoni
Wilderson Moisés Furtado


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