130692 - Water resources management fundamentals |
Período da turma: | 17/02/2025 a 28/02/2025
Descrição: | Water resources management fundamentals
Teaching Staff Prof. Dr. Ricardo Cesar Aoki Hirata (IGc) Prof. Dr. Angelo Salvador Filardo Junior (FAU) Prof. Dr. Bruno Conicelli (IGC) Prof. Dr. Eduardo Mario Mendiondo (EESC) Prof. Dra. Bridget R. Scanlon (Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin) Description: Basic knowledge regarding water resources management in connection to flood control and water supply. Water stress scenarios in connection to climate changes. Trends in integrated planning and design solutions. Contents: 1. Multiple use of water resources. 1.1. Environmental regulations. 1.2. Urban management and water resources. 1.3. Economic and regulatory fundamentals. 1.4. Risk management. 2. Surface water main concepts – uses, pollution control, water flow regulation and conflicts between uses; supply side management and demand side management. 3. Flood control main concepts – structural and non-structural measures – Technological alternatives, contexts, possibilities and limits. 4. Integrated urban design and infrastructure systems solutions involving multiple use of water resources – mainstream technology-based solutions and nature-based solutions. Urban design and urban planning related to green infrastructures and Nature Based Solutions. 5. Water stress in climate change-related scenarios. 6. Case studies. Learning activities On-line and on-Campus classes, on-line supervision of conclusion papers. Forms of evaluation The students must present a paper after the conclusion of the course addressing any theme connected to the different issues of its contents. Bibliography BERGMAN, E.M. & SUN, D. (1996) – Infrastructure and manufacturing productivity, regional accessibility and development level effects. in BATTEN, D.F. & KARLSSON, C. (eds.), Infrastructure and the complexity of economic development. Berlin-Heidelberg, Spring Verlag. FILARDO, A. (2012). Water supply in São Paulo and the uses of Guarapiranga and Billings reservoirs. In: Bilibio, C.; Hensel, O.: Selbach, J.F.. (Org.). Sustainable water management in the tropics and subtropics - and case studies in Brazil. 1st Ed. Jaguarão / RS: Fund. Universidade Federal do Pampa, UNIKASSEL, PGCult-UFMA, v. 4, p. 61-88. GRAHAM, Stephen & MARVIN, Simon (2001) - Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition – London, Routledge. JAMES, L.D &; LEE, R.R. (1971). Economics of water resources planning – New York, McGraw-Hill. KREIBICH, H., Van LOON, A. F., SCHRÖTER, K., WARD, P. J., MAZZOLENI, M., SAIRAM, N., ... & Di BALDASSARRE, G. (2022). The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management. Nature, 608(7921), 80-86. LI, X. Y., D. LONG, B. R. SCANLON, M. E. MANN, X. D. LI, F. Q. TIAN, Z. L. SUN, and G. Q. WANG (2022). Climate change threatens terrestrial water storage over the Tibetan Plateau, Nature Climate Change, 12(9), 801-+. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-022-01443-0 O’CONNOR, T.P., RODRIGO, D. & CANNAN, A. (2010). Total Water Management: The New Paradigm for Urban Water Resources Planning. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change. http://ascelibrary.org/proceedings/resource/2/ascecp/371/41114/335_1 RODRIGO, D.; CALVA, E.J.; CANNAN, A. (2012). Total Water Management. National Risk Management, Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA/600/R-12/551. http://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi/P100EYEP.PDF?Dockey=P100EYEP.PDF SCANLON, B.R., FAKHREDDINE, S., RATEB, A. et al. (2023). Global water resources and the role of groundwater in a resilient water future. Nat Rev Earth Environ https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-022-00378-6. SILVA, R.T. (2011). Integration of hydraulic infrastructure in metropolitan São Paulo. Geographica Helvetica. Swiss Journal of Geography. Heft 2. P. 92-99. SOUZA, F. A. A., MIS, N. B., BUARQUE, A. C. S., de OLIVEIRA SOUSA, B. J., FIALHO, H. C. P., ABREU, F. G., ... & MENDIONDO, E. M. (2024). Evolution of social engagement in flood risk assessment: new approaches and emerging concerns using case studies from Brazil. In Research Handbook on Flood Risk Management (pp. 52-69). Edward Elgar Publishing. VISCUSI, W. K.; HARRINGTON, Jr., J. E.; VERNON, J. M. (2005). Economics of regulation and antitrust - The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA /London. WANG et al. (2022). A review of the flood management: from flood control to flood resilience. Helyion - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11763 |
Carga Horária: |
32 horas |
Tipo: | Obrigatória | ||||
Vagas oferecidas: | 30 | ||||
Ministrantes: |
Angelo Salvador Filardo Júnior Bridget Rosaleen Scanlon Bruno Pirilo Conicelli Eduardo Mario Mendiondo Ricardo Cesar Aoki Hirata |
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