
126919 - Módulo: Avaliação Final dos Alunos

Período da turma: 23/10/2024 a 19/03/2025

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Descrição: Apresentação e avaliação dos trabalhos de análise de projetos elaborados pelos alunos com os conhecimentos obtidos durante o Curso.


Bala, B. K., F. M. Arshad, and K. M. Noh. System Dynamics Modeling and Simulation. Springer, 2016.
Baker & McKenzie. “Power Shift: The Rise of Export Credit and Development Finance in Major Projects.” Infrastructure Journal. www.baker&
BBVA. Financing PPPs: Project Finance. 2006.
Blanc‐Brude, F. Rethinking Infrastructure: Voices from the Global Infrastructure Initiative. McKinsey and Company, 2014.‐projects‐and‐infrastructure/our‐insights/voices‐on‐infrastructure/voices‐on‐infrastructure‐voices‐from‐the‐global‐infrastructure‐initiative.
Bodmer, E. Corporate and Project Finance Modeling: Theory and Practice. Wiley, 2015.
Brealy, R. A., C. A. Ian, and M. A. Habib. “Using Project Finance to Fund Infrastructure Investments.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 9, no. 3(Fall 1996):25–39.
Collan, M. Ciga‐Investments: Modeling the Valuation of Very Large Industrial Real Investments. Doctoral Dissertation, Institute of Academic Research, November 2004.
Cuthbert, N. A Guide to Project Finance. Denton Wilde Sapte, 2004.
Damian, A., J. Hendrickson, and B. Wicke. Mexico's Utility Reform: Investment Opportunities in an Emerging Market. Deloitte, 2004.‐utility‐reform‐investment‐opportunities‐in‐an‐emerging‐market.html.
Davison, A. “Default Rates for Project Finance Bank Loans Improve.” Moody's Investor Services Global Research

Carga Horária:

2 horas
Tipo: Obrigatória
Vagas oferecidas: 40
Ministrantes: Sidnei Raimundo


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