
124626 - Módulo 1: Agentes Mercados e Organizações

Período da turma: 02/04/2024 a 25/06/2024

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Descrição: A Explicação do Crime: Racionalidade, Contexto e Mecanismo
Leituras obrigatórias:
Becker, Gary S. (1999). “Crime and Punishment: an economic
approach”, in Criminological Theory: Past and Present, p 251-253.
Roxibury Publishing Company, Los Angeles, CA.
Bunge, Mario (2006). A system perspective on Crime, in: Robert
Sampson and Per-Olof Wikstrom, The Explanation of Crime, Context,
Mechanism and Development. Cambridge University Press.
Cornish, D. B. and Clarke, R. V. (1999) Crime as a rational choice, in
Francis Cullen and Robert Agnew, Criminological Theory: Past and
Present. Roxbury Publishing Company.
Leitura complementar:
Wikstrom. Per-Olof (2005). The Social Origins of Pathways in Crime:
Toward a Developmental Ecological Action Theory of Crime
Involvement and Its Changes, in David P. Farrington (org), Integrated
Developmental and Life-Course Theories of Offending, Routledge, p

A Economia dos Mercados Ilícitos
Leituras obrigatórias:
GAMBETTA, D. (1993). The Sicilian Mafia: the business of private
protection, Cambridge, Harvard University Press. Introduction and Ch 1
LALLERSTEDT, Karl (2016). The Neglected Mega Problem: Illicit Trade
of Normally Licit Goods, in Hilary Matfess and Michael Miklaucic.
Beyond Convergence: World Without Order, p 251-274. Center for
Complex Operations, Washington DC
10SHELLY, Louise (2018). Dark Commerce: How a Licit Economy is
Threating our Future. Princenton University Press. Introduction and Ch.
2 (p 37-60).

O Conceito de Crime Organizado
Leituras obrigatórias:
ALBANESE, J. S. (2000). “The Causes of Organized Crime: Do
Criminals Organized Around for Crimes or do Criminal
OpportunitiesCreate New Offenders?” Journal of Contemporary
Criminal Justice 2000, Vol 15, p 409-423.
LAMP, K von (2016). Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities,
Criminal Structures and Extra-Legal Governance. Sage. Ch. 1 (p1-15)
and Ch 2 (p15-35).
Leitura complementar:
WILLIANS, Phil (2013). Lawlessness and Disorder: An Emerging
Paradigm for the 21st Century, in Michael Miklaucic and Jacqueline
Brewer, Convergence: Illicit Networks and National Security in the Age
of Globalization, Center by Center for Complex Operations,
Washington, DC.

Estruturas e Redes Criminais
Leituras obrigatórias:
LAMP, K von (2016). Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities,
Criminal Structures and Extra-Legal Governance. Sage. Ch. 5 (p93-
WILLIAMS, Phil (2001). Transnational Criminal Networks, in Arquilla,
John, and David Ronfeldt. Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror,
Crime, and Militancy, RAND Corporation.

Governança Criminal: Presídios e Territórios
LESSING, Benjamin. (2020). Making Peace in Drug Wars: Crackdowns
and Cartels in Latin America. Cambridge University Press, 2020. Ch 1
Why Does Prison Order Vary?; Ch 2. Whan Prisoners Govern: Brazil
and Bolivia.
10SKARBEK, David. (2018) The Puzzle of Prison Order: Why Life Behind
Bars Varies Around the World. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Introduction (p
Primeira rodada de avaliação dos projetos de pesquisa
Discussão da proposta de pesquisa em sala

Crime Organizado Transnacional
Leituras obrigatórias:
EDWARDS, A. (2005). "Transnational Organized Crime." In
Transnational &Comparative Criminology, ed. J. Sheptycki and A.
Wardak. 1st ed. Cavendish: Routledge, 211-226.
LAMP, K von (2016). Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities,
Criminal Structures and Extra-Legal Governance. Sage. Ch. 12 (p293-

Carga Horária:

60 horas
Tipo: Obrigatória
Vagas oferecidas: 15
Ministrantes: Adriano Bastos Rosas
Leandro Piquet Carneiro


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