
118328 - Precision Oncology

Período da turma: 01/03/2024 a 01/08/2024

Selecione um horário para exibir no calendário:
Descrição: This course will provide a theoretical practical overview of the use of precision oncology to
improve diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer.
Students will: 1. Get in contact with patients with the most common types of cancer; 2. Discuss
treatment options; 3. Discuss molecular tests that apply to the clinical case; 4. Acquire practical
notions of molecular tests, such as next-generation sequencing; 5. Be introduced to the principles
of robotic surgery; 6. Discuss principles of artificial intelligence applied to cancer diagnosis; 7. get
in contact with theranostics.
Students will have activities in the operating room, ambulatory, infirmary, pathology lab,
radiotherapy, radiology room, nuclear medicine center and translational research lab at Instituto do Cancer do Estado de Sao Paulo - ICESP.

Robbins & Cotran - Pathologic Basis of Disease; Harrison´s Principles of Internal
Medicine; Goldman-Cecil - Medicine; UpToDate; NCCN guidelines

Carga Horária:

160 horas
Tipo: Optativa
Vagas oferecidas: 250
Ministrantes: Maria Aparecida Azevedo Koike Folgueira
Roger Chammas


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