
113901 - Prática em solução de disputas em contratos de Construção Civil-Dispute Board

Período da turma: 12/09/2023 a 23/01/2024

Selecione um horário para exibir no calendário:
Descrição: 1.0 Definição de contratos de construção civil
2.0 Métodos de Solução de Disputas, métodos adversariais e não adversariais
3.0 Mediação e conciliação
4.0 Dispute Board
5.0 Arbitragem
6.0 Outros métodos – determinação de perito, mini trial, prática.
16 Bibliografia:
AAA, American Arbitration Association, Handbook on Construction Arbitration and ADR, Juris 2010, 521p.
BUNNI, N. G. The FIDIC forms of contract: the fourth edition of the Red Book, 1992, the 1996 Supplement, the 1999 Red Book, the 1999 Yellow Book, the 1999 Silver Book 3rd ed, Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2005. 843 p.
CHERN, C; Chern on Dispute Boards: Practice and Procedure , Informa Law from Routledge, 2021, 832 p.
COLEMAN, P., et al, Conflict Resolution, Theory and Practice, third edition, Jossey-Bass, 2014, 1191 p.
DERAINS, Y. SCHWARTZ, E.A. A Guide to the ICC Rules of Arbitration, Paris: Kluwer Law International, 2a ed., 2005, 605p.
DRBF - Dispute Board Manual: A Guide to Best Practices and Procedures, DRBF, 2019, 252 p.
JENKINS, J. S., S. International Construction Arbitration Law.(Arbitration in Context Series) 3nd Edition AH, Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International 2013. 442 pages p
FREEDMAN, C. et al, Kendall on Expert Determination, Sweet & Maxwell, 2015, 549p.
JUSTEN F., M et al, Direito da Infraestrutura, Estudos de Temas Relevantes, Forum, MG, 2021, 417 p.
MAYER, B, The Conflict Paradox, Seven Dilemmas at the Core of Disputes, Jossey Bass, US, 2015, 307 p.
MURDOCH, J.;HUGHES, W. Construction contracts: law and management 4th ed. Oxon UK: Taylor & Francis Group, 2008. 401 p.
OWEN, G, TOTTERDILL, B Dispute Boards: Procedures and Practice, Thomas Telford Ltd, 2007, 304 p.
REDFERN and HUNTER, International Arbitration, Sixth ed, Oxford, UK, 2015, 711 p.

Carga Horária:

52 horas
Tipo: Obrigatória
Vagas oferecidas: 33
Ministrantes: Fátima Cristina Bonassa
Vitor Levy Castex Aly


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