This general guide is intended for Exchange Coordinators / Study Abroad Advisors from (non-)partner institutions.
Depending on the study level, whether undergraduate or graduate, different nomination procedures should be followed. The Mundus platform supports only nomination/application of Undergraduate Level (1st cycle) students.
Graduate students should be nominated and apply by email only (please see
Please notice that some curricula designed overseas are equivalent to Brazilian ones, but others are structured in a different, hence asymmetric way. The length of most bachelor's degree programs and teacher education programs at USP last from 4 to 5 years, without having a combined master's degree, which requires around two additional years of education, whereas Bologna Bachelor's and Master's degrees, for example, require respectively 3 and 2 years for program completion (see more at Structure of degree programmes). Although there might be exceptions, current Master's students that obtained a Bachelor's degree of less than four years of duration are advised to attend courses at USP at the undergraduate level/1st cycle (Graduação) if they only intend to take courses. Students holding a Bachelor's degree of any duration may apply to postgraduate programs for a research stay. If accepted, they may also apply to attend courses. Phd students accepted for a research stay under the supervision of a USP faculty member (research-only placement) may apply for course registration later (optional).
Exchange Coordinators / Study Abroad Advisors wishing to nominate students applying for the Undergraduate Level (1st cycle) should follow the steps below:
In order to nominate your student(s), you will need a link that will be emailed to you along with instructions on how to proceed. For you to be emailed this link, you should have been allowed access to the system in advance.
If you have been allowed access to the system before, please click here to get an email to nominate your student(s) and skip to step 2.
If you have not been allowed access to the system yet, please fill in the form below (step 1) so as to request it. Your request may take two working days to be reviewed during the nomination period or even longer, should the nomination/application period be closed. Once your request is accepted, you will be emailed instructions on how to proceed.
1 - ACCESS SYSTEM REQUEST FORM (by the Exchange Coordinator/Study Abroad Advisor)
Exchange Coordinators/Study Abroad Advisors must first have access credentials to the nomination platform Mundus. If you do not have the credentials yet, please request it by filling in the request form below. This action is necessary only for the first access. The request will be reviewed by USP International Office, especially short before the system is open for new nominations, approximately two months before the nomination deadline. Once access credentials to the nomination platform Mundus are given, you will be emailed a security code along with a link that will redirect you to the nomination page
2 - NOMINATION (by the Exchange Coordinator/Study Abroad Advisor)
Link > International Students > Add New Student.
Your student will be emailed a link to access the system and complete their application.
Once you have been nominated by your Exchange Coordinator/Study Abroad Advisor, you will be emailed a link to complete your details, upload the supporting documents and submit your application. After submitting your application, it will be reviewed and forwarded to the relevant school(s) which offer(s) the courses that you chose. From this point on your application will be handled on a decentralized basis. Your application will be assessed and after admission you will receive an acceptance letter directly from the local international office operating at the faculty level.
N.B.: Most bachelor's degrees and teacher education programmes at USP are either 4-, 4½- or 5-year programmes without having a combined master's degree. At the Brazilian postgraduate level the so-called stricto sensu postgraduate programmes - even the professional ones - are divided into two levels: mestrado (master's degree) and doutorado (doctoral/ PhD degree), which may differ in structure and nature from the ones offered abroad and therefore international students enrolled in subjects whose curricula at their home institutions are structured in a different, hence asymmetric way, e.g. Bologna second-cycle (Master's) degrees, may be highly recommended to attend courses at USP preferably at the undergraduate level. Nominations and applications of students eligible for postgraduate courses must be sent by email according to country of origin.
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